On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One Page 9
Is it possible that the reason why Og is the only giant left—and, by the way, the word giant is Rephaim—is that some of the other giants fled out of the land, as they saw they were being systematically killed by the Israelites.
This is my theory and the heart of this book. It is the central issue and one that I hope will be proven by the artifacts we have discovered while in Peru. Is it possible the Nephilim left the area and some tribes went north while others fled on ships and landed in South America? Of course this flies in the face of archaeologists and anthropologists who assure us that no such event ever happened, as they do not believe in what is known as “diffusionism,” which is the position I hold to.
Diffusionism vs. Isolationism
There are two paradigms in which we view the ancient people who inhabited this planet thousands of years ago.
Diffusionism: this position posits people went to other areas of the globe via horseback, on foot or in sea vessels. People are curious and I doubt very much they were content to stay in one place. The very nature of the human spirit is to explore one’s environment.
Isolationism: this position believes people stayed in the same place and never had contact with the outside world. Thus, cultures developed in isolation and independently of one another.
Thor Heyerdahl, in his ground breaking book Kon-Tiki, proved it was possible to sail from Peru to Islands in the Pacific. Here’s a book description from AMAZON:
Kon-Tiki is the record of an astonishing adventure—a journey of 4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean by raft. Intrigued by Polynesian folklore, biologist Thor Heyerdahl suspected that the South Sea Islands had been settled by an ancient race from thousands of miles to the east, led by a mythical hero, Kon-Tiki. He decided to prove his theory by duplicating the legendary voyage.
On April 28, 1947, Heyerdahl and five other adventurers sailed from Peru on a balsa log raft. After three months on the open sea, encountering raging storms, whales, and sharks, they sighted land— the Polynesian island of Puka Puka. (24)
Heyerdahl’s voyage proved, at least in my mind, the validity of the paradigm of diffusionism, but there is much more to this. If diffusionism is the correct paradigm in which we should view the past, it changes everything, including the long-held position that there was no ancient race in North America before the American Indians, or First Nation peoples.
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Chapter 7
Fritz Zimmerman
As I mentioned in the Foreword to this book, I first became aware of Fritz Zimmerman through Russ Dizdar. When I first saw the title to his book, The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley, I was immediately taken aback. What could he be talking about? Why did he believe the seemingly implausible idea of the offspring of Fallen Angels somehow showing up in the Ohio Valley? What, if any, proof did he have that would make his case believable?
It took me several days to track him down and in order to do it I had to reopen my Facebook account, which immediately led to a deluge of unwanted “friends.”
However, I was able to locate him and we began to correspond. I also purchased his book and read it in several sittings.
I believe Fritz has done his homework, in that he spent months in the archives looking at old newspaper clippings and tracking down any story that discussed giant skeletons being exhumed. What he found, in my opinion, was startling in regard to the discovery of giant skeletons throughout the Ohio Valley.
I can only wonder why academia isn’t more interested in these accounts and, for that matter, why modern scholars are not able to view the artifacts and skeletons that came out of this region more than a hundred years ago.
Fritz and I agreed to meet at the Nephilim Mounds Conference in late September 2012.
This conference was a direct result of my attending the first conference in March where I also met Deborah and “Buck” C. who gave me my first tour of the Great Circle Mound.
What amazed me at the time was that I had no idea these mounds existed. Here I was, thinking I had researched all there was about the Nephilim, and to my amazement I found I had just scratched the surface … humbling!
Deborah, Buck and I toured several of the mounds. More specifically the Great Circle Mound, which is a henge.
Author’s Side Bar: What is a Henge?
We were able to tour the Octagon Mound, which is connected to the Circle Mound. Thousands of years before the white man arrived this area was one large complex as the two sites were joined together.
I have inserted a picture here as it is important for us to realize this complex was best seen from the air, which begs the question of who was there to see it 3500 years ago from an aerial perspective? The Great Circle Mound is in the upper right hand corner of the picture.
The lines in these earthen mounds are only appreciated from the air, as one cannot see the full scope of the design from the ground.
Who is the Prince of the Power of the Air? For those of us who are Christians, we know this is one of the Fallen One’s names, which also denotes his title. He is the lord of the space above the Earth. Why is it that these sites are always best appreciated from the air? Another example of this would be the now famous Nazca Lines found in Peru.
Located in the arid Peruvian coastal plain, some 400 km south of Lima, the geoglyphs of Nazca and the pampas of Jumana about 450 square kilometers. These lines, which were scratched on the surface of the ground between 500 B.C. and A.D. 500, are among archaeology’s greatest enigmas because of their quantity, nature, size and continuity. The geoglyphs depict living creatures, stylized plants and imaginary beings, as well as geometric figures several kilometers long. They are believed to have had ritual astronomical functions. (28)
The Nazca Lines are found in the most arid part of the earth, where it does not rain, literally, for years at a time. Nazca is one of the driest places on the earth. The lines which sketch across this bleak terrain were not noticed until the invention of the airplane. The first aviators to fly over the area in 1927 must have been amazed at what they discovered. (29)
I realize there seems to be no connection between the site we see in Newark, Ohio, and Nazca, but what if these sites are connected in another way? What if these sites are monuments to the same god? What if they were created to honor the Prince of the Power of the Air?
I also wonder how a culture with no advanced mathematical or astronomical knowledge could construct such a complex. Did this advanced knowledge come from a group of Fallen Angels which gave mankind the secrets of the heavens as The Book of Enoch informs us?
Enoch tells us in 1 Enoch Chapter 8:
And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven…
What I believe we need to keep in mind is the paradigm that powerful, super intelligent, supernatural beings from another dimension dispensed this knowledge to the men and women of Earth.
If this is so, then it explains why we see an explosion of monuments and mathematically and solar aligned constructed sites. Could this account for what we see in Ohio? I believe it certainly can as we will establish the possibility of the Nephilim being in the area. What seems reasonable to me is that these beings got their knowledge from those who sired them, in other words, the Fallen Angels we read about in Genesis 6, and The Book of Enoch.
I am also perplexed how a group of hunters/
gatherers could have accomplished the task of constructing the mounds, and the Great Circle Mound as well as the adjoining Octagon Mound, as it would have taken a group of committed men and women to support the builders. This would have resulted in a group of men and women who would have had to keep food and shelter readily available in the area in which these elaborate sites were constructed. Without agricultural practices such an endeavor, in my opinion, would be difficult to sustain. Then there’s the weather to contend with. Did construction stop during the harsh winters of Ohio?
Unfortunately the secrets of the Great Circle and Octagon Mounds works are not giving themselves up so easily, and so we don’t know—really know—the answers. We can only surmise.
The current paradigm embraced by academia is that Native Americans built these, however, there is growing dissent and I, for one, will use this book and my ongoing research to call for further excavations and also the revealing of the giant skeletal remains that the Smithsonian may have hidden away.
Pictures of the Nazca Lines courtesy of Brien Foerester
Pictures of the Nazca Lines courtesy of Brien Foerester
Pictures of the Nazca Lines courtesy of Brien Foerester
Author’s Side Bar: Rumor about the Bones
The Circle Mound
This initial tour of the mounds ignited my interest, to say the least, and from it sprung the Nephilim Mounds Conference that we held in March, 2012. We set dates for September 29, 2012, and with that date firmly established, I contacted Fritze and asked him if he would be part of the conference—specifically giving a tour of the mounds, which he agreed to do.
We also discussed my early arrival to the site so we could discuss and tour different locations Fritz had discovered.
I want to take a moment to thank Mysterious Geoff who generously contributed so that Russ Dizdar, Richard Grund, and I were able to drive and fly to the area. Thanks, Geoff!
I met up with Fritz at the Great Circle Mound and we both marveled at its construction.
It is very impressive especially when one realizes it is the largest earthen circle mound in the United States.
Fritz pointed out the trench which is on the inside of the henge and follows the interior of the circle all around. The site must have looked impressive 3500 years ago as the trees we see now growing throughout the area were not there at the time when the site was used for ceremonial purposes.
We walked to the center of the circle and stood on what may have been the place where human sacrifice was carried out. We don’t know for certain whether this was the case at the circle mound, but according to the excavations done there, human remains were found on what appeared to be an altar (35). The ground was wet from a recent rain and the grass had not been cut for awhile. There was a stillness that permeated the area as massive walls of dirt that comprise the circle block out the noise of the highway that is directly outside of the Circle Mound.
The Great Circle Mound at one time was connected to the Octagon Mound that is about a mile away. Now, there is no connection between the two, as housing developments have sprung up on the land and further hamper appreciating the site as it once was.
When I stood there I posed the question to Fritz: “How does a culture create this with only clam shells and birch-bark baskets?” To complicate matters, some of the dirt used in the Great Circle Mound may have been brought to the side from miles away (36). How does a pre-Colombian culture without the horse go about transporting dirt?
How does a culture construct a complex that must in some way rely on advanced mathematics and some kind of surveying instrumentation?
The overriding question to me is this: What was the complex used for? What is the purpose of creating edifices and “secret sites?” As I stated before, the site is best viewed from the air, as when I stood in the center of the Great Circle I could see the mound-works closing me in all around, except for the entrance that, according to Zimmerman, was once in the shape of snake heads.
There is also another interesting dynamic with this henge. The circle mound is made up of different soils.
Archaeological excavations conducted in 1992 revealed that the Great Circle is composed of different colored soils. The outer portion of the wall is made of dark brown earth, while the inner portion is made from bright, yellow-brown earth. These different colors may have had special symbolic meanings to the people who built the walls (37).
Here’s another article which discusses the use of different soils in the construction of the mound:
At most mound sites, the builders gathered earth from nearby sources. But sometimes there was a need for a specific material that was not readily available, and certain solids had to be quarried from several feet beneath the surface or hundreds of feet from the mound.
At Newark’s Great Circle, for example, dark brown earth from the uppermost soil layers forms the outer portion of the circle, while bright yellow-brown earth from deep beneath the surface forms the inner portion. (38)
My question is this: Where did the dirt come from? Was it 100 yards away, 400 yards away, a mile, or maybe even farther from the site? If the dirt is being transported from a great distance, let’s say a mile away, it poses many difficulties as the Native American cultures did not have wheelbarrows or other means of transporting dirt. Have you ever picked up even a shovel-full of dirt and tried to carry it? It’s heavy and tiring work.
Here is my interview with Fritz Zimmerman!
L.A.: In your book, The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley, you make the case that the Nephilim came through Europe into the New World. What evidence do you have that supports this theory?
F.Z.: The historical threads that weave the Nephilim-Amorites together and provide the template of characteristics that we can identify across the three regions of the ancient Levant, the British Isles and North America, is found in the Book of Enoch. The Book of Enoch elaborates on Genesis 6:4, and describes who the Nephilim were, where they went and what they knew. The Book of Enoch tells the story of the angels descending onto Mt. Hermon, where they swore an oath to mate with women. The result of this unholy union was the “giant” or “Nephilim” race of men. The angels also taught the Nephilim secrets of science, astronomy, numerology, and mathematics. Genesis 6:4 implies that the Nephilim have inhabited the earth in at least two different time periods—in antediluvian times “and afterward.” If the Nephilim were supernatural beings themselves, or at least the progeny of supernatural beings, there is a theory that the “giants of Canaan” in Numbers 13:33 were the direct descendants of the antediluvian Nephilim, or were fathered by the same supernatural parents. An interesting parallel of the occurrence of the number 333 is that using the Paris Meridian, Mt. Hermon lies exactly at 33.33. degrees north and 33.33. degrees east.
Enoch 8:1-3: “And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids and all kinds of costly stones, and all coloring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in their ways. Semarang taught enchantments, and root cuttings, Armoras the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal taught astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezwqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon.”
The Amorites were masters of the sea in search of resources of copper and tin to make bronze. Their sea captains and trading companies became rich. By 1900 B.C. their influence had spread west across the Mediterranean. According to the Archeology of the Bible, 1916: “The Aryans (Amorites) separated into an eastern and western branch; the latter we can trace from Asia to Europe. They founded colonies in the Delta of the Danube, and spread westward along the Danube into Germany and the valleys of the Rhine, the Loire and Seine, and still pushing westward established themselves into Brittan
y and Great Britain.” The Bell Beaker people took advantage of improved transportation routes by sea and rivers to mine and trade mineral resources. They introduced the use of copper and bronze weapons as they expanded into new lands.
Tin mines were being exploited in Britain according to the book, Phoenician Origin of the Britons & Scots, 1925. The mysterious race that erected these cyclopean monuments [Stonehenge], wholly forgotten and unknown, now appears from the new evidence to have been the earlier wave of immigrant mining merchant, Phoenician Barats, or “Catti” Phoenicians of the Mur, Mer or Martu clan—“The Amorite Giants” of the Old Testament tradition. And from whom it would seem that Albion obtained its earliest name (according to the First Welsh Triad) of “Clas Myrd-in” (or “Merddin”) or “Diggings of the Myrd.” As the Amorites pushed into Northern Europe, they began trading with the people known today as the Maritime Archaic. It is documented in The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley, that the material culture, burial types and large skeletons of the Maritime Archaic stretched the extent of the northern latitudes across the globe. It is from this Amorite and Maritime Archaic intercourse that the knowledge of the vast resources of copper in the Lake Superior region was attained. The overwhelming evidence of the Amorites in the Upper Great Lakes is best documented by the weapons that have been tagged by archaeologists as the “Copper Culture.” “State of the Art,” Early and Middle Bronze Age type weapons of tanged daggers and sockets mysteriously materialize out of nowhere in the region where the copper mines are located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and northern Wisconsin.