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On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One Page 2
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However, these people were NOT the indigenous, First Nation people who were now in the land. They predated the First Nation people and created the mound works that now held the skeletal remains of the inhabitants. These men had robust jaws and skulls that were large enough to slip over the average white man’s head.
It is pertinent here to show some of the clippings found by researchers who have gone before me in investigating the mounds.
The purpose of bringing this evidence here and not saving it for later is to establish from the get-go the veracity of the reports. If we had only one report I wouldn’t be paying attention to it and neither would the researchers who have gone before me. However, we have report after detailed report telling us that large human skeletons were exhumed from the mounds throughout the Midwest.
By establishing this first, I hope to point to what I and others would consider a deliberate cover up and obfuscation by certain government agencies, most notably the Smithsonian Institute.
The Smithsonian has been the final resting place for hundreds of thousands of artifacts. I recently visited a museum in Tennessee and by providence had the pleasure of meeting the curator.
I asked him how many artifacts from Native Americans were at the museum. He informed me that more than 8000 artifacts were stored here. Yet, there are only a handful of these that are shown to the public.
Chapter 2
Darwinism - The Holy Grail that is Sacrosanct
Photo taken by the author at the Field Museum, Chicago, 2012
The picture above says it all and it’s from the field Museum in Chicago. We see a plethora of life portrayed here and in the middle of it all we see this:
…from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.
~Charles Darwin
Darwin changed the prevailing world view in the West that taught that a holy, loving God created the world.
Darwinism, in my opinion and that of many others, is a theory that has never been proven. However, as we can see from the picture taken in the Field Museum, Darwinism is the prevailing paradigm that has become the status quo. There is no other view that is seriously considered in academia, and it would appear, at least to this author, that any other paradigm, including but not limited to discoveries that go against Darwinism or in some way challenge it, is immediately dealt with by expulsion, ridicule and/or deliberate obfuscation. (See Ben Stein’s movie Expelled).
Assuming I am correct here, this is what I have come to call intellectual fascism.
Author’s Side Bar: Expelled
The bottom line for me is this: it would appear that any evidence that would conflict with the Darwinian paradigm is immediately shut down and becomes forbidden.
With that in mind I will now present some of the newspaper clippings that were found by researchers Fritz Zimmerman, Ross Hamilton, Vine Deloria and Jim Vieira. I will comment as necessary.
Using postings from various newspapers, I will demonstrate that a race of giant men and women had populated North America. These extraordinarily tall people were not what we would consider traditional Native Americans and, thus, in my opinion, the mounds and other sites have been erroneously credited to Native Americans.
It seems reasonable to me, when we examine the evidence in the written record, that there has been a deliberate obfuscation by the Smithsonian and other institutions to keep the Darwinian paradigm guarded. In other words, these giant skeletons do not fit the standard theory that Native Americans crossed the Bering Strait and settled here.
It would appear there was another race of beings that predated what we would call Native Americans, and academia has ignored the oral traditions of Native Americans that tell us a different story than the present ones we are being told.
Some tribes have an oral account of a race of giants that were created when the “sky gods” came down to Earth and saw the daughters of men. The children from these beings were the giants.
The next chapter will explore one of these oral traditions which have been handed down for generations. This story contradicts the status quo and, in my opinion, syncs well with the evidence we find in articles dating back two centuries ago.
Author’s Note: We have left the following articles from newspapers in the way in which they were first published; thus spelling, punctuation errors and language are true to the original.
The Wichita Daily Eagle - November 17, 1891 (Courtesy of Jim Vieira)
Smithsonian Institution’s Bureau of Ethnology 1898-99 (1)
On the upper terrace, within the corporate limits of Monongahela City, are situated the garden and greenhouse of Mr. I.S. Crall. Two ravines on the east and west sides open directly south into Pigeon Creek, and their erosion has lowered the ground until it is surrounded by higher land on every side except along the bluff next to the creek. The further side of the creek being bounded by a high hill, the pass looking up the river, thus the tract is surrounded on every side by hills close at hand, ranging from 40 to 250 feet above its level. In excavating for foundation walls and other purposes, Mr. Crall has, at different times, unearthed skeletons of large size: the ground is strewn with mussel shells, flint chips etc.
On the eastern side of this levee, near the break of the ravine, and close to a never-failing spring, stands the largest mound above the one at McKee’s rocks, measuring 9 feet in height and 60 feet in diameter… at the center a hole measuring 3 feet across the top and 2 feet into the original soil. In this were fragments of human bones too soft to be preserved. They indicated an adult of large size. The gray clay was unbroken over this hole. Directly over this, above the clay and resting upon it, were portions of another large skeleton, with which was found part of an unburned clay tube or pipe.
Helena Independent - Wednesday, October 10, 1883
(Helena, Montana)
J.H. Hamley, a well-known and reliable citizen of Barnard, MO, writes to the Gazette, the particulars of the discovery of a GIANT skeleton, four miles southwest of that place:
“A farmer named John W. Hannon, found the bones protruding from the bank of a ravine that has been cut by the action of the rains during the past years. Mr. Hannon worked several days in unearthing ‘the skeleton,’ which proved to be that of a human being whose height was twelve feet.
“The head through the temples was eleven inches; from the lower part of the skull at the back to the top were fifteen inches, and the circumference forty inches. The ribs were nearly four feet long, one and three-fourths inches wide. The thigh bones were thirty-six inches long and large in proportion.
“When the earth was removed the ribs stood high enough to enable a man to crawl in and explore the interior of the skeleton, turn around and come out with ease.
“The first joint of the greater toe above the nail was three inches long, and the entire foot, eighteen inches in length. The skeleton lay on its face twenty feet below the surface of the ground and the toes were imbedded in the earth, indicating that the body either fell or was placed there when the ground was soft.
“The left arm was passed around backward, the hand resting on the spinal column, while the right arm was stretched out to the front and right. Some of the bones crumbled on exposure to the air, but many good specimens were preserved, and are now exhibited at Barnard Medical School.
“The skeleton is generally pronounced a relic of the prehistoric race.” (2)
New York Tribune - February 3, 1909
Skeleton 15 Feet High Unearthed in Mexico
News was received here Monday from Mexico that at Ixtapalapa, a town 10 miles southeast of Mexico City, there had been discovered what was believed to be the skeleton of a prehistoric giant of extraordinary size.
A peon while excavating for the foundation of a house on the estate of Augustin Juarez found the skeleton of a human being that is estimated to have been about 15 feet high, and who must have lived ages ago, judging from the ossified state of the bones.
Romulo Luna
, judge of the district, has taken possession of the skeleton which is complete with the exception of the skull.
Judge Luna says that as soon as the search for the skull is finished the skeleton will be forwarded to the National Museum of Mexico that has an almost priceless collection of Aztec antiquities.
The National Museum, it is said, has made arrangements to investigate this find.
The discovery of the skeleton has revived the old Aztec legend that in a prehistoric age a race of giants lived in the valley of Anahuac, a name given by the aboriginal Mexicans to that part of the Mexican plateau nearly corresponding to the modern valley of Mexico City.
These giants, known as Qhinatzins, the story goes, were afterwards destroyed by the Ulmecas, also of great stature, who in turn perished by earthquake, interpreted as an expression of the wrath of God. (3)
Scientific American - August 14 1880, P. 106
Ancient American Giants
The Rev. Stephen Bowers notes in the Kansas City Review of Science the opening of an interesting mound in Brush Creek Township, Ohio. The mound was opened by the Historical Society of the township, under the immediate supervision of Dr. J.F. Everhart of Zanesville.
It measured 64 by 35 feet at the summit, gradually sloping in every direction and was eight feet in height. There was found in it a sort of clay coffin including the skeleton of a woman measuring eight feet in length.
Within this coffin was found also the skeleton of a child about three and a half feet in length and an image that crumbled when exposed to the atmosphere.
In another grave was found the skeleton of a man and a woman, the former measuring nine and the latter eight feet in length. In a third grave occurred two other skeletons, male and female, measuring respectively nine feet four inches and eight feet.
Seven other skeletons were found in the mound, the smallest of which measured eight feet, while others reached the enormous length of ten feet.
They were buried singly or each in separate graves. Resting against one of the coffins was an engraved stone tablet (now in Cincinnati) from the characters on which Dr. Everhart and Mr. Bowers are led to conclude that this giant race were sun worshippers. (4)
Special Dispatch to The Call.VANCOUVER, Nov. 17
James L. Perkinson, an American miner of Atlin, arrived here to-day with news of the finding of a number of skeletons in an ancient Indian cemetery in the north, which is of startling scientific interest.
Perkinson is one of the owners of the Yellow Jacket, a rich claim, which is supposed to be the fountain head of Pine, the principal creek in Atlin district. Two weeks ago the first excavations were being made for a new tunnel and what appears to have been an old Indian burying ground was opened up.
Five skeletons, nearly complete, were exhumed and each is the set of bones that belonged to a giant of prehistoric times. One of the skeletons measures over seven feet in length, so that the man must have been considerably over that height. Then there were two others of within an inch of seven feet and the remaining two “were more than six feet in length and the men were of gigantic frame.”
The altitude is high and the ground was half frozen … the bones were preserved almost intact. Perkinson says that he expects if they had kept on digging they would have found many more, as these were lying comparatively close together.
The bones of the fingers and toes had crumbled away, but the finger of one skeleton hand was sufficiently strong to hold a ring of what appears to be lead or some similar base metal The skeletons were unusually well formed, but one unique feature was that the arms were several inches shorter than ordinarily appears, while the size of the bones of the forearm was enormous in comparison to the usual models. Beside two of the skeletons were spears, rudely shaped with a soft metal [native copper?] and pointed with sharp stones. The spears were only about three feet long and five inches thick at the top, tapering at the lower end. The top contained a socket into which a wooden shaft was probably placed, in order to wield the big piece of metal. Other pieces of stone and carved metal were found. (5)
Urbana Union - February 16, 1870, P.1
Skeletons of a Giant Race Found near Petosi
The evidence appears to be pretty well settled that this whole Western country was once inhabited by a race of beings of gigantic stature, which were not only hardworking, industrious fellows, but well up in many of the fine arts. What their laws, institutions, and code of morals consisted of, we shall probably never know, as printing presses and interviewing reporters were scarce in those days, but from the numerous mounds scattered over the country, which the learned savants tell us were the work of their hands, it is quite easy to assume that they were heavy on the dig and took much delight in wielding the spade and shovel. They would be useful fellows to have in these days of railroads and canals; it is to be regretted that the race died out before the present system of internal improvements commenced.
From time to time the skeletons of an unknown race have been discovered in the different mounds mentioned, up and down the Mississippi River, the last discover of the kind being made near Potosi, WI, a little over a week ago. A young man by the name of Patterson, brother-in-law to S.M. Langworthy, Esq., of this city, was engaged with a number of men in digging out for the foundation of a saw mill near the bank of the river. In digging this out, it became necessary to remove one of these ancient mounds of tummel. The workmen had descended to the depth of about seven feet, when they unearthed two human skeletons, the bones of which were almost entirely in a good state of preservation. Upon taking them out, an accurate measurement was made of the skeletons, when one of them was found to be seven and a half feet and other eight feet in length. The jaws of each were filled with double rows of teeth, while the cheek bones were very high and prominent. Under the bones a large collection of arrow-heads and strange toys were found, which had evidently been buried with them.
Strange to state, the workmen, instead of preserving these bones, carted them off into the road, and it is feared that the great majority are now wasted. It is highly probably that other skeletons exist in that vicinity. – Dubuque Times
The Washington Herald - May 31, 1919, P. 5
Prehistoric Giant Unearthed
Seymour, Texas, May 30—Oil drillers claim to have found bones of a pre-historic giant, ten feet high.
The Waco Evening News -December 20, 1893, P. 6
Skeletons of Giants
While loading a barge with shells a few miles below Orange on the river banks, some laborers unearthed 20 human skeletons and judging by the size of the bones they were evidently men of giant stature. Some of the bones of the forearms were almost the length of a man’s entire arm. A small pot and pieces of broken pottery were also unearthed. The laborers claim that there are numbers of skeletons to be found in this shell bank. These bones were found about four feet below the surface.
The Victoria Advocate - November 5, 1989
That Karankawas were ‘Giants,’ Cannibals
Findings Support Historical Claims
By Linda Hetzel, Advocate Staff Writer
PORT LAVACA - Archaeological findings support historical claims that the Karankawas were “giants” in height and practiced cannibalism, said Dr. Herman Smith at a semi-annual meeting of the South Texas Historical Association held Saturday at Port Lavaca.
Smith also believes that the Karankawas are related to Caribe Indians of the West Indies, based on similarity of language, body structure, and their keeping of “barkless” dogs. Translated from their own language, he said, Karankawa means “dog lovers.”
A museum archaeologist at Corpus Christi Museum, Smith acknowledged that his viewpoint is the exception and not the rule. During his study of the Karankawas, he has examined three sites “thoroughly” and has “looked at” 13 additional sites, Smith said.
“Were they cannibals? Certainly they were,” Smith said. “Even if there were only two or three firsthand accounts. How many do you need?”
Smith said that all
Texas natives were cannibalistic and that it was not reasonable to single out the Karankawas for censure.
The Karankawas did make the distinction of eating “only their enemies, and never their friends.” Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca was probably correct that the Karankawas were horrified that shipwrecked Spaniards of the Navarez Expedition had eaten members of their own party, Smith said.
The offense was not that the Spaniards had eaten human flesh, but that they had eaten human flesh that was not taken from an enemy, he said.
A bone of a six-year-old child was found among the bison and fish bones at a Karankawa cook site in Kieburg County, Smith said. “We cannot say that the flesh was eaten from that bone, but we can say it was butchered and cooked.”